Effects of the Blended Family on Parenting Styles and Emotional Regulation among Tertiary Students

Diane D. Lipat


This research examines the blended family effects on parenting styles and emotional regulation among tertiary students through a sequential explanatory mixed-method design. Through quantitative data gathered, an interview was conducted to have a deeper sense of the information collected. A total of 113 respondents were purposively selected to answer the instruments and 10 of them were chosen to participate in an interview for the qualitative part of the study. It was revealed that most respondents have authoritarian parents and are emotionally adjusting. In addition, there is no significant relationship between parenting style and emotional regulation. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in parenting styles and emotional regulation when grouped according to profile such as age and duration. The results gathered were supported by sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino psychology) which discussed the maturity, culture, and values of Filipinos and their families. These data were used to construct a counseling program to help students with blended families adapt to the changes that they will encounter.



blended family; emotional regulation; parenting styles

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