Training of 'Body Language and Public Speaking' and Pupil’s Disruptive Behaviour

Aymen Hawani, Maher Mrayah


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze students' disruptive behaviour and teacher trainee’s responses before and after a Body Language and to Speak in Public training module for school teachers at the end of initial training physical education teachers (PET). A quasi experimental research is used to find out the effect of Language and to Speak in Public training on students’ disruptive behaviours. A sample of 389 students; 243 males and 146 females participated in this study along with 20 trainee teachers; 10 (6 males and 4females) who constitute the control group while 10 (5males and 5females) make the experimental group. The investigators have adapted Brunelle’s Disciplinary Incidents Observation System (DIOS) and used Sony model 4K Handcam cameras with builtin projector and a BoomTone DJ wireless microphone equipped with a transceiver to detect and record students’ disruptive behaviours, respectively. Findings reveal that the courses directed by trainee students during work readiness internships show a high degree of disruption, since there is a rate of 1.3 and 1.01 DB per minute. The frequency of onset of disruptive behaviours (DB1 and DB2) is slightly lower in sessions facilitated by trainees who have been trained in "Body language and public speaking". Similarly, at the level of disruptive behaviours (DB3), the trainees who underwent the training realized more significant decrease in the frequency of appearance of these behaviours. Faced with these disruptive behaviours, the trainees who attended the training were slightly more interactive in their reactions during the sessions. Findings constitute a repertory index to perceive the different disruptive behaviors of students and the reactions of trainee students to these behaviors. Therefore, the results of this study are worthy in bridging the existing potential gap and strengthening the perspective the researchers have put forward.


Disruptive Behaviours; Physical education; Disciplinary Incidents Observation System; Body language; Public speaking

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