Graphic Novel’s Contribution to the Development of Linguistic Skills and Cultivation of Reading Strategies

Sofia Venetopoulou, Sotiria Kalasaridou


This study explores how graphic novels can be employed to enhance reading comprehension strategies among English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in Greece, focusing on multimodal text integration, visual literacy, and learner motivation. Seven 1st grade high school students took part in nine teaching scenarios that incorporated Fred Fordham’s (2018) graphic novel adaptation of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. The study lasted for three months. The scenarios focused on promoting pre-, during-, and post-reading strategies (e.g., skimming, scanning, summarizing) to improve reading comprehension. Each scenario consisted of three basic stages (before/during/ after reading) and was designed in a way so that the students could exploit the variety of semiotic modes (visual, linguistic and typographical) offered by the graphic novel, locate the required information and become effective and independent readers. To evaluate the intervention’s effectiveness, a mixed formative evaluation methodology was adopted, drawing on teacher journals, questionnaires and the analysis of students’ written productions. Findings revealed that integrating a graphic novel format fosters EFL and encourages students to use context and non-textual elements for meaning-making. Participants also reported increased motivation and engagement, as well as positive attitudes towards reading in English. These outcomes underscore the graphic novel’s potential as an innovative pedagogical tool to develop linguistic skills and cultivate effective reading strategies in EFL contexts.


Graphic novel, reading strategies, EFL reading comprehension, visual literacy

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