Transforming School Principal: From the Nepalese Private School Teachers Perspective.

Babin Pokharel


Importance of competency in principals of the private schools has been an invariable need of the days. This research has raised questions to answer like teacher’s perception towards principals about the engagements dealing with change and leadership roles of Nepalese institutional school principals.

This research design is descriptive. It is descriptive as it describes the opinions of the teachers about the performance excellence, team building capabilities of leaders (principals) and transformational leadership they observed in their schools. This research also tries to answer rational questions whether any intervening effects of sex, qualification, experience and age seemed on the responses of teachers while evaluating their principals’ ability to handle performance excellence, team building and possessing transformation leadership skills. This research hypothesizes that there is no significant differences between teachers agreement of opinions on the system due to age, sex, qualifications and experience to the agreements of the performance excellence, team building ability, leadership displayed by the principals. Further hypothesis that  this research has developed that is the principals are developing themselves through some sort of development programs like executive coaching, special assignments, short term trainings from the associations and 360* feedback. The reliability statistics of the responses of the quantitative data in the research is estimated in the pilot tests is .829 (Cronbach's Alpha from IBM statistics version 20) which is sufficient.

The quantitative perspective of the research the dependent variable of this research is agreement of the teachers towards the performance of the organizations and independent variables are basically different components of performance excellence, team building and transformation leadership as developed by the leaders of the organizations in the course of leading their organizations.  Age, sex, qualification, and experience are taken as intervening variables. The finding of the research indicates that principals are proactive and they are developing themselves by the development of sharing culture in their schools. This research throws sufficient evidence that they agrees with the opinions of the teachers regarding school performances.  They try to learn by experience for which they treat teachers as their valuable partner. Sharing with association members, occasional lecturer and discussions are some external means to acquire some insights about the roles they have to play. In this study major outcome suggest that school leaders act as an actor that facilitate in formatting school vision in a transformative way. This study present empirically based analysis in association with teachers responses while developing school in a transformative leadership which values in creating transformative school vision.


Principal; Teachers; Transformational; Leadership; School

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