Evaluation of Yield Gain: A Case of Upland Rice Cultivation in Madagascar
Following to the large dissemination of rainfed upland rice in Madagascar, this is to conduct yield gain among improved rice varieties through different fertilizers rates during the cropping season (2018/2019) in the Middle West at farmer’s plot. It aims to analyze and to compare grain yields and their components for 2 popular varieties of rice such as Nerica 4 and B22. Given that water and nutrient management can be used to assess potential yields of rice, it is assumed that nutrient and water stresses are the main biophysical factor limiting the yield of rainfed upland rice. By a complete random block device with 3 replications, the 2 rice varieties are respectively subjected to the following three fertilization rate treatments such as T1: high quantity of crop nutrients, T2: low referring to Malagasy farmers’ practices, T3: medium. Thus, for this year, the research released yield gain under low level of fertilization, with average yields of 1,55T/Ha; against respectively 1,13T/Ha at medium and 1,58T/Ha at high level of fertilization conditions. This result may resolve not only socio-economic constraints with low input fertilizer but also water stress on rice cultivation.Â
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