Hope of the Future: Indigenous Children Perspectives about Education

Jennifer M. Arbiol, Elisa Mae Gura, Rey Jan Pusta, Laurence Cece


The study investigates the perspectives of indigenous children about Education.  It seeks to understand the experiences of the indigenous children in school and their issues and concerns in schooling.  The two basic ideas in the study of perception and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory provide theoretical foundations for the participants' experiences and concerns.  Participatory action research and phenomenological methods were utilized in conducting the study.  Four (4) children of indigenous people and 5 of the parents participated in the study.  Purposive sampling was used to identify the participants.  Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.  Findings of the study show that the participants, especially the children, desired to finish their Education. Nevertheless, they have to stop schooling from working and helping their parents provide for the family's needs.  The issues and concerns identified by the participants revolve around the family condition means of transportation going to school, teachers in school, discrimination, and practices of indigenous people. 



hope, perception, indigenous children, Education

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