Impact of Self-Efficacy on Radical and Incremental Creativity: Mediating Role of Work Engagement

Hina Waheed, Ghulam Dastgeer


This paper investigates the impact of self-efficacy (SE) on the two distinct dimensions of creativity; radical creativity (RC) and incremental creativity (IC), with work engagement (WE) as mediator. Drawing on the recent re-conceptualization of creativity as a multi-dimensional phenomenon; the current study attempts at better explaining the relationships of self-efficacy and work engagement with creativity dimensions among employees of advertising agencies working in creative departments. A three wave time lagged survey of 277 creative employees of advertising agencies in Rawalpindi/Islamabad was conducted.SPSSProcess Macro and AMOS were used for analyzing the collected data. Self-efficacy was found to have an impact of greater magnitude on radical creativity than on incremental creativity, while work engagement mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and radical creativity only. The findings may assist the managers to better plan, hire and manage their creative workforce according to the jobs requiring different forms of creativity.


employee creativity; radical creativity; incremental creativity; self-efficacy; work engagement

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