Orienteering: motivation, multidisciplinary and skills. A project in a secondary school in the province of Salerno.

Rosanna Tammaro, Anna D'Alessio, Annamaria Petolicchio


Developing interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, diversifying methods and forms of teaching, using the territory as a classroom and school gym, stimulating a renewed relationship among man - nature- territory, these are some of the objectives underlying the practice of Orienteering. From the perspective of teaching skills, Orienteering is a concrete possibility to promote in students  the mobilization of knowledge and abilities to solve problem situations. Orienteering combined with practice is definitely a fun and sporty intelligently structure, allowing an interdisciplinary approach involving the subject  through a training course, in an operation aimed at the realization of a renewed relationship among man-nature -territory.  The interdisciplinary nature of Orienteering, invites: the versatility and interdisciplinary didactics (art, physical education, environmental education, education for health, road safety education, geography, study of the territory represented: as local history); the game as training moment involving the student in his entirety (thought, corporeality, feeling, emotions); the relationships, easily activated during the game (students, teachers); a consistent territorial geopolitical choices as this activity promotes the knowledge of natural environments and educates and sensitizes enviromental problems. This paper discusses about the Orienteering project carried out in the classes of the first two years of the Liceo Statale “ A. Gatti†in the province of Salerno.


learning plan, Orienteering, environmental education, interdisciplinarity, skills.

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