Iqbal’s Response to Modern Western Thought: A Critical Analysis

Dr. Mohammad Nayamat Ullah, Abdullah Al Masud


Muhammad Iqbal (1873-1938) is a prominent philosopher and great thinker in Indian Sub- continent as well as a dominant figure in the literary history of the East. His thought and literature are not simply for his countrymen or for the Muslim Ummah alone but for the whole of humanity. He explores his distinctive thoughts on several issues related to Western concepts and ideologies. Iqbal had made precious contribution to the reconstruction of political thoughts. The main purpose of the study is to present Iqbal’s distinctive thoughts and to evaluate the merits and demerits of modern political thoughts. The analytical, descriptive and criticism methods have been applied in conducting the research through comprehensive study of his writings both in the form of prose and poetry in various books, articles, and conferences. It is expected that the study would identify distinctive political thought by Iqbal. It also demonstrates differences between modern thoughts and Iqbalic thoughts of politics.


Iqbal, western thoughts, democracy, nationalism, secularism

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