Persuasive Advertising in E-commerce and Effective of it on Electronic Trading in Iran
The purpose of this survey is to understand the effectiveness of Location, Type, Addresses and Temptation on Online Advertising and effect of Message on Electronic Trading.
Persuasive Advertising in e-commerce, is the subject of this research which tried to test and understand it to push customer forward with advertising in cyberspace to purchasing. In this century, competition among big companies is so high and they follow policies to provoke customer to buy only their products. This policies may not be successful, unless in cyberspace advertising is not used as an instrument for persuading customers to buy since this century is century of information communication technology (ICT). All companies and people deal with internet. In this situation, no company would neglect this reality. All companies must recognize and pay attention for implementation of these instruments to raise their electronic trade volume. Internet offers much more opportunities for advertising than classical advertising styles. Nowadays with diminish the size of gadget like cell phone and popularity of social network, any companies must be optimistic about it. We reach these questions that, is it reasonable to believe that informational advertising is acceptable, however, that persuasive advertising is not acceptable in Iran.
In this research, the main aim is to find our main factors of persuasion in advertising for electronic trading like, location, type, addresses, message, temptation and diversity of online advertising. All the factors, has explicit effect on persuasion and advertising, generally. However, in this research, field analysis has been made to evaluate the effects of these persuasive advertising factors on purchasing decision of persons who are active users of internet and electronic trade web sites in Iran. Although, there is large literature on advertising and the relationship between the advertising and electronic trade, this study will be the first studying on the relationship between the main determinants of persuasive advertising and its effect on electronic trade.
Mainly, at the end of the research made, this result showed that all of these factors have positive effect of advertising persuasion and customer satisfied them to purchase in Iran as well as the countries around the world.Keywords
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