Cross-situational specificity and cognitive, emotional and behavioural choices: A new model in the teaching of cognitive-behavioural therapy

George Varvatsoulias


The present paper will outline and discuss the importance of context specificity of eventful experiences in the creation of cognitive, emotional and behavioural choices. Cognitive, emotional and behavioural choices will be approached as depending on contextual changes due to environmental contingencies. Environmental contingencies will be regarded as the precursor of core beliefs and rules for living for cognitive-behavioural therapy. The aim of this paper is to consider contextual changes as bringing upon changes to personality traits which in turn influence the cognitive, emotional and behavioural domains of human psyche. The main topic discussion will be centred around the premise that teaching cognitive-behavioural therapy in terms of changes occurring within the person needs to be re-focused on the contextual changes happening outside the person, which in turn provoke internal changes not only in personality traits, but to the person’s cognitive appraisals and choices in given environments. 


cognitive-behavioural therapy, personality, context, situation-specificity, change

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